Refining Our Website

Refining Our Website

we welcome the new section on our website with an (in our opinion) much better reading experience

March 2021

With the launch of the new edition of our Magazine – Lisbon Nearshore’s Magazine on Remote Work -, comes an upgrade to our website. Our goal was to create a new section where the Magazine can be read through the browser, and where the other editions can be accessed. Before, we used to have the magazine pop-up with a button to download it as a PDF. Not only was that frustrating from a UX perspective, but it also wasn’t the best format choice to read it on.

As such, we welcome the new section on our website with an (in our opinion) much better reading experience, without needing to download a thing:

Refining Our Website 1 Lisbon Nearshore

Since we were making changes on our website, we also decided to improve our Services tab with a more detailed explanation on how we work and what our clients can expect from a collaboration with Lisbon Nearshore. We decided to include a F.A.Q. section as shown below:

Refining Our Website 3 Lisbon Nearshore

We’ve compiled the 6 most asked questions by potential clients and inserted completely transparent answers into our website. With this, we hope to give a better insight into how we operate, and help prospects make more informed decisions.

With the recent crisis, we’ve hunkered down and revamped our business model into how we can improve our processes and structures in order to add more value to our customers. Stay tuned for more news on our side and get in touch should you wish to evaluate the possibility of building a Nearshore team with us!