
Watch your back!

It is important that you take steps to reduce your risk of developing back health problems by following ergonomic principles and incorporating stretching and exercise into your daily routines.

February 2023

Developers and computer engineers often spend long hours in front of a computer, and this can be a source of strain and discomfort, causing tightness in the neck and shoulders, as well as fatigue in the wrists and arms.
But don’t worry, there are a few things you can do to minimize this discomfort.

Make sure that your desk setup is adjusted to your needs:

1. Adjust your chair height: Make sure your feet are flat on the floor and your thighs are parallel to the floor when seated.
2. Position your keyboard and mouse: Keep your elbows at 90-degree angles and your wrists above your keyboard.
3. Use a footrest: Keep your feet on the floor but use a footrest to reduce strain on your legs.
4. Adjust your monitor: Place your monitor directly in front of you at eye level.
5. Place items within reach: Keep frequently used items within reach to reduce the need to stretch or strain.

You can also incorporate some simple exercises into your daily routine:

1. Neck and shoulder rolls are a great way to reduce tension in your upper body. Sit up straight and slowly roll your neck and shoulders in both directions. This will help loosen tight muscles and reduce the risk of developing a knot or spasm.
2. Wrist stretches are another easy exercise to incorporate into your day. Stretch your wrists and arms periodically throughout the day to reduce strain.
3. You can also try doing some chair twists to loosen up your upper body. Sit up straight and twist your upper body from side to side.
4. For lower body exercises, try sitting on a wall or lifting your legs. Place your back against a wall and slowly slide down into a sitting position, hold for a few seconds, then lift up again. Alternatively, sit up straight and lift one leg off the floor while keeping the other firmly planted.
5. Desk push-ups, dips, and calf raises are also excellent.
To summarize, it is important that you take steps to reduce your risk of developing back health problems by following ergonomic principles and incorporating stretching and exercise into your daily routines.

Autor: Vanessa Velosa